Those who have bad credit keep trying to get finance from different means and usually get declined because lenders are scared away when they pull the credit report. Bad credit can really be an obstacle when you need finance. Yet, there are loans available for those with a bad credit score or a stained credit history. You just need to know what to look for.
Bad credit loans are not a specific type of loan. There are different loans both secured and unsecured that are customized for bad credit applicants. The nature of each of these loans determines certain requirements that need to be met in order to get approved. Thus, knowing what you can apply for will let you determine which options match your needs.
Secured and Unsecured Loans
There are secured and unsecured loans available for bad credit applicants. Unsecured loans are the ones that are harder to get approved for. Bad credit applicants can obtain unsecured personal loans, payday loans and cash advance loans. The first ones are harder to get because there are credit verifications for approval and you need to show a good recent credit history; stains on your credit report must be past records only. The interest rate charged for these loans is higher than that of regular unsecured personal loans.
Payday loans and cash advance loans do not necessarily need credit verifications. Actually, most payday loan lenders and cash advance loan lenders do not run credit checks. Instead, you’ll need to show proof of a steady income and have a bank account ready for the money to be deposited into it as soon as you get approved. The problem with these loans is that the rate charged is exorbitant and you may default on them if you don’t make sure you’ll be able to repay.
Secured loans, on the other hand, are a cheaper source of founds for those with bad credit. Though the interest rate charged for them is higher, it is still a lot lower than unsecured loans. There are bad credit car loans, home loans and home equity loans available for bad credit applicants.
Both car loans and home loans for people with bad credit carry only slightly higher interest rates than regular car loans and home loans. Collateral protects the borrower from suffering higher interests thanks for the risk protection it provides to the lender. The same goes to home equity loans for people with bad credit. These loans provide an excellent source for financing and only slightly higher rates than regular home equity loans.
The Income Issue
Even when credit score is not such an issue, there are still requirements you’ll have to meet in order to get approved for bad credit loans. The most important one is undoubtedly the income requirement. To get approved for any kind of loan you’ll need to prove that you are able to face the monthly payments.
However, that won’t be enough, you might be required to show proof that your income let’s you afford payments comfortably, without having to make sacrifices and that any unexpected expense won’t prevent you from repaying the loan. Thus, you’ll need to have plenty of available income to face payments. And this is true with all types of bad credit loans, including payday loans and cash advance loans.